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Introduction to Mid—autumn Festival

The 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar every year, is the traditional mid autumn festival。 This is the mid autumn of the year, so it is called the mid autumn festival。 In the Chinese lunar calendar, a year is divided into four seasons, each season is divided into three parts Meng, and the Mid Autumn Festival is also known as the mid autumn season。 Fifteen the moon of August than in other months more round full moon, the more bright, so they are called “ Yuexi ” “ &rdquo, August;。 On this night, people look up to the sky like a bright moon shining like a jade dish, and naturally expect family reunion。 Far away from home, also to rely on their hometown and their loved ones missing。 Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is also called “ reunion festival ”。

The Chinese people had &ldquo in ancient times; the custom of autumn dusk and moon &rdquo。 On the eve of the worship of god。 To Zhou Dai, every mid autumn night will be held cold and sacrifice month。 Large incense table, put the moon cake, watermelon, apples, red dates, plums, grapes and other offerings, cakes and watermelon is definitely not small。 Watermelon must be cut into lotus shape。 In the moonlight, the gods on the moon, red candle high fuel, the whole family in order to worship the moon, then headed housewife moon cake。 The number of the family in advance, how many people in the family, in the field, should be counted together, can not cut much, not cut less, the size is the same。

From ancient Qi salt, pious worship during childhood, grow up, with superior character into the palace, but was not patronize。 In August fifteen the moon, the son of heaven to see her in the moonlight, feeling that her beauty is outstanding, after she was queen, mid autumn worship to。 Change mid beauty, so willing to worship the girl, “ looks like moon, such as the ”。

During the Tang Dynasty, the Moon Festival and the month of play were quite popular。 In the capital。 Fifteen August night, a lot of people, both rich and poor, old and young, all must wear adult clothes, say desire for religious worship, pray that God bless the moon。 The Southern Song Dynasty, folk to moon cake gift, take the meaning of reunion。 In some places there are grass dragon dance, pagodas, etc。。 Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the custom of Mid Autumn Festival is more prevalent; many places formed a burning incense, tree Mid Autumn Festival, point tower lights, lantern, walk the moon, dance and other special customs。

Mid Autumn Festival in the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar。 This is a festival that people have always known as the most humane and poetic。 There is a saying that every festival thinks twice。 The yearning for the Mid Autumn Festival will certainly be more profound, especially when the moon is shining。

The Mid Autumn Festival is the Mid Autumn Festival, because in the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar this day is in autumn。 On this day, the full moon in the sky is exceptionally bright, especially big and special round, so this day is also regarded as a good day for marriage。

Mid Autumn Festival is a harvest festival。 In the agricultural society of China, farmers always celebrate the harvest season。 This festival has become a festival and "change" this beautiful myth about。

Mid autumn night, in addition to worship, there is a new moon and lanterns。 Worship is certainly in the sky of Chang'e, also some people call her as the moon niang。 The old man said, "children can't point to the moon with their fingers, or they will be cut。"

Today, the Mid Autumn Festival has meant not many people know that for the new generation, the Mid Autumn Festival is most remembered is the moon cake and lanterns。 Of course, when the full moon festival, is a great day to the reunion of the people。

Speaking of the source of the Mid Autumn Festival, folk has been circulating many different legends and fairy tales。 One mother goose, Zhu Yuanzhang Tang Minghuang, a visit to the moon cakes uprising and other stories。

The moon, the moon moon is a lonely place, in addition to a laurel tree and a rabbit, have no other。 But there is another saying that there is a man named Wu Gang in the moon palace。

Later, women in general during the Mid Autumn Festival is to worship the moon goddess, held a memorial ceremony。

The traditional food of Mid Autumn Festival is moon cake。 The moon cake is round, symbolizing reunion, reflecting the people's desire to reunite with their families。

It is said that the Mid Autumn Festival moon cakes began in the Yuan Dynasty, at that time, Zhu Yuanzhang led the Han people against the Yuan Dynasty tyranny, agreed in August 15th this day uprising, to Huzeng moon cakes to the note caught in the moon cakes in the message, call people on time uprising。

Later, Zhu Yuanzhang finally to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty and became the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, although later the Manchu people into Chinese, but people still celebrate this symbol to overthrow the rule of the alien Festival, Mid Autumn Festival moon cakes in folk custom spread。