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Climb up

The Double Ninth Festival the first ascent of customs, autumn in September, the fall, the season can be achieved Denggao Yuanwang feel fresh, fitness illnesses purpose.

Eating Double-Ninth cake

And the high associated with the custom of eating cake chongyang. Homophonic high and cake, as a festival of food, was first to celebrate the autumn harvest season, like food is intended to be civil, after eating the cake stand rise step by step in the world, taking the auspicious meaning.Chrysanthemum


The double ninth day, there has always been the custom tours chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum festival also known since ancient times. Commonly known as the lunar September September, chrysanthemum Festival organized by the general assembly, fashion Shangju people to attend the meeting. From the three countries since the Wei and Jin, Chung Yeung Festival gathering to drink, shangjufushi is a popular sport. In Chinese ancient customs, chrysanthemum is a symbol of longevity.

Drink chrysanthemum wine

The Double Ninth Festival, our country has drinks the chrysanthemum wine tradition. The chrysanthemum wine, is regarded as in the ancient times is the Chung Yeung will drink, dispel the disaster to pray "propitious liquor".

The Han Dynasty have been a chrysanthemum wine. Wei Cao Pi had in the Chung Yeung chrysanthemum to giveZhong Yao, to wish him a long. The Ge Hong in "baopuzi" recorded in Henan Nanyang people in the mountains, due to drink chrysanthemum water over the students Gangu and prolong life.Liang Jian Wen"Picking chrysanthemums" is of "breathe out basket mining Ju bead, the dewy with Luo Nuo" of the sentence, but also adopt chrysanthemum wine. Until the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the chrysanthemum wine still prevails, in the Ming DynastyGao LianThe "Zunshengbajian" still have documented, is a popular fitness drinks.

Carrying dogwood

Also popular in the ancient nine nine ed Mastixia customs, so they caalled Mastixia section. Cornel medicine, liquor health illnesses. Cornel and hairpin chrysanthemum in the Tang Dynasty has been very common. Dogwood, fragrance is thick, with anthelmintic to wet, for the role of evil, and can Xiaoji food, cold and heat treatment. People believe that September 9th is the day of luck, be dogged by bad luck, so in the Chung Yeung Festival people like wearing cornel to evil spirits and kyrgyzstan. Dogwood, therefore also known as the "evil"".


登高 重陽節首先有登高的習俗,金秋九月,天高氣爽,這個季節登高遠望可達到心曠神怡、健身祛病的目的。 吃重陽糕 與登高相聯絡的有吃重陽糕的風俗。高和糕諧音,作為節日食品,最早是慶祝秋糧豐收、喜嘗新糧的用意,之後民間才有了登高吃糕,取步步登高的吉祥之意。 賞菊

賞菊 重陽日,歷來就有賞菊花的風俗,所以古來又稱菊花節。農曆九月俗稱菊月,節日舉辦菊花大會,傾城的人潮赴會賞菊。從三國魏晉以來,重陽聚會飲酒、賞菊賦詩已成時尚。在漢族古俗中,菊花象徵長壽。 飲菊花酒 重陽佳節,我國有飲菊花酒的傳統習俗。菊花酒,在古代被看作是重陽必飲、祛災祈福的.“吉祥酒”。 漢代就已有了菊花酒。魏時曹丕曾在重陽贈菊給鍾繇,祝他長壽。晉代葛洪在《抱朴子》中記河南南陽山中人家,因飲了遍生菊花的甘谷水而延年益壽的事。梁簡文帝《採菊篇》中則有“相呼提筐採菊珠,朝起露溼沾羅懦”之句,亦採菊釀酒之舉。直到明清,菊花酒仍然盛行,在明代高濂的《遵生八箋》中仍有記載,是盛行的健身飲料。 佩茱萸 古代還風行九九插茱萸的習俗,所以又叫做茱萸節。茱萸入藥,可制酒養身祛病。插茱萸和簪菊花在唐代就已經很普遍。茱萸香味濃,有驅蟲去溼、逐風邪的作用,並能消積食,治寒熱。民間認為九月九日也是逢兇之日,多災多難,所以在重陽節人們喜歡佩帶茱萸以辟邪求吉。茱萸因此還被人們稱為“辟邪翁”。[