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happy english快樂英語廣播稿(3)09.10.19 (最好就跟你一位學生主持,還有註明哪句話是你還是學生讀。藍色字型為更改) w:good morning, everyone. 同學們, 早上好!歡迎大家收聽校園英語廣播,i’m miss


how time flies! 時間過得真快啊,我們已經開學兩個多月了,大家每週都可以享受英

語組的老師們準備的英語廣播,are you ready? ok, follow miss ye and enjoy it! 準備

好了嗎?和我一起享受吧!在今天節目開始前,我們來公佈一下上星期miss li抽出的十位幸運聽眾得獎名單。以

下讀到名字的同學請於今天早上之內到五年級 生活中,同學們經常會在不同的地方碰見一些似曾相識的,但又不知道如何用英語來表



大家介紹一些生活中常見的國際品牌: 可口可樂 coca cola麥當勞 macdonald

日立 hitachi

菲利浦 philips

本田 honda

豐田 toyota 請同學們大聲跟我念:black tea i like black tea.接著,我們再來學習第二個關於顏色的用語:blue monday blue monday的blue表示“不開心的”,monday表示“星期一”,不開

心的星期一叫做blue monday。read after me. blue monday 劉子銳,英語是不是很有趣呢? 好,下面是有獎問答的時候了。三、

四年級的同學聽好了,今天我們學習的”black tea”的中文意思是什麼呢?

五、六年級的同學,你們的問題是“不開心的星期一”怎麼表達呢? 同學們,我們今天的英語廣播節目到這裡就結束了。記得踴躍參與我們的有獎問答活動,

並把紙條投入五年級辦公室的抽獎箱裡。 thank you for listening. 謝謝大家的收聽。篇二:english studio 英文廣播稿 part3: video cmpilot

採編:吳蔚 播音:吳蔚 林妍均 技術:張菲 監製:林妍均 其他參與人員: b: hi, long time no see, i’ b.a: ok, b, who do you think is the most received pop male singer in china?b: a ha, of course ,jay chou is, most all of our young people regard him as our

super star. i like each song of him, unique melody , profound lyrics and ? a: err, what a real fan you are, so you must know the movie he’ just taken pictures

of recently?

b: yeah, i got you. you mean the film. it’s be a release

on feburary 8th, 2011 in china and i’ve just seen it in the cinema.a: what a fun, can you just tell us some introduction to it? a: wow!, sounds very cool, and a typical style of jay. and then, tell us some

more details? b: britt reid is the son of the most famous respected media magnate in los angeles,

he goes through his daily life at all kinds of parties, until his father (tom wilkinson)

was mysteriously killed, left britt a huge media empire.a: what a grand mission!, b, it makes me think of another one movie<spider

man>, how cool they were, to help the people in bottom, to fight for justice, what

a huge encourage it needs to do these, it’ really very dangerous, you could get hurt

easily or may be killed in the waves of guns and bullets anywhere at anytime.b: yes, but due to this, a man can be called a hero. so i think that’s the spirit

of being a hero. a: yeah, that’s true. fill with the sense of justice, not be fear of sacrifice

and the evil force, willing to challenge himself and all kinds of risks. in a chinese

saying that served all for the people.b: definitely, right, seems that you are really admire heros?b: ok, with the excellent wisdom and skills, kato developed a very advanced

weapons black beauty (black beauty), a impregnable, restoring ancient car with big

firepower. they rode on their mobile fort, with interesting small tools kato developed

in their fights against crime. soon, “the green hornet” and kato have earned high

reputation for themselves in the city. under the help of the beautifull secretary

lenore britt (cameron diaz plays), they began gradually shake the influence of the

head of the la mafia, chudnofsky. but chudnofsky has his own plan: for he will strike

“the green hornet”, he will win once and for all. a: and ,then the end, what’ the end? why don’t you just stop here? b: a ha, if you watch it, you will know.a: well, you are keeping me dangling., how pretty cliff-hanging i can’t wait

to watching it.

b: it’ really a nice one that if you like action films. now, i want to say that

there are many classic bloody and interesting lines in it. a: oh? let’s listen to it. 1:

lines from chudnofsky “you said that people in suits are not fearful? i dont know how many people have

died under a man who wear suits.to be honest, i was also frightened myself.with your blood casted into mask, red will be the last color to see. 2

lines from kato and britta: this is my person.b: im not your person.a: well, hes not my person.. wrong, the sense is that he is my man... anyhow we

are in pure boyfriend of relationship.. “let’s upholding justice hand in hand.” “i can go together with you, upholding the justice, but i dont want to holding

your hands” “you are like a switzerland army knife with a lot of unexpected tools. weared

also like a switzerland army knife if put a cross in the middle of the sweater.”b: at last, i want to talk with you about the last song in the film.<shuan

jiegun>. a: oh, it’s known not only among our young people, but also the elder

can sing it. b: its unique melody, let each chinese remember all in mind and heart,

more important is, its chinese tunes, let every chinese to be excited, reaches to


harmonious consensus with the entire movie. jay said that he wants to do a result ,

letting the people in the world to learn about chinese culture and identify chinese

culture through his films and music. that is a kind of chinese cultural heritage,

we want it known to the wor

ld.a: en, what a pride to spread the chinese culture, so much for today’s video

cmpiolit. i’m a, see you next time. b: and me, your best friend, b ,bye.!!篇三:小學英語廣播稿英 語 廣 播 稿 五年級


我叫楊旭,我來自五年級一班。b: my name is feng siqi, i’m from class 1 grade 5 我叫馮思琪,我來自五年級一班。 a: feng siqi, do you know today is a special day?馮思琪,你知道今天是個什麼特別的日子嗎?b: sorry, can you tell me?對不起,你可以告訴我嗎?a: today is teacher’s day。今天是教師節。

b: oh, teacher’s day, i got it. 哦,教師節呀,我明白了。那教師節快樂怎麼說呢?a: happy teacher’s day!教師節快樂!

b: happy teacher’s day!教師節快樂!

b: 同學們,今天一定要給我們親愛的老師道一聲:“教師節快樂” happy teacher’s day!ab: 同學們,你們學會了嗎?和我們再說一遍,happy teacher’s day! a: now, let’

s go to our second part “english show”.現在讓我們進入今天第二個板塊“英語秀”。 b: 同學們,人體各部分的英語名稱很多,如果你記不住,也沒關係,多做練習一定能記


ab: 同學們, 起得早,大家快來做做操。a: mouth mouth b: 是嘴巴a: nose nose b: 是鼻子a: face face b: 是臉頰a: neck neck b: 是脖子

a: arms arms b: 是胳膊a: hands hands b: 是小手ab: 同學們,我們一起做做操吧。 a: are you ready?

b: yes.

ab: 張開mouth深呼吸,揉揉nose吸吸氣, 洗洗face提提神,脖子neck扭一扭, 手臂arms伸一伸,小手hands拍一拍。ab: 同學們,學會了嗎?和我們再來一遍。 ab: 張開mouth深呼吸,揉揉nose吸吸氣, 洗洗face提提神,脖子neck扭一扭, 手臂arms伸一伸,小手hands拍一拍。ab: so much for today, see you tomorrow! 今天的英語廣播到此結束,明天見!


我叫楊旭,我來自五年級一班。b: my name is feng siqi, i’m from class 1 grade 5 我叫馮思琪,我來自五年級一班。 a: 馮思琪,上一期我們學習了教師節快樂的英文表達,你還記得嗎? b: yes, happy

teacher’s day!

a: you are great!


a: 同學們,我們今天學習中秋節的英文表達,不久我們即將迎來中秋佳節。 b: 同學們,

跟我們一起學吧!mid autumn festival,mid 是中間 autumn是秋 天 festival是節日,所以mid autumn festival是中秋節的意思,大家跟我一起讀:

mid autumn festival.

a: mid autumn festival.

a: now, let’s go to our second part “english show”. 現在讓我們進入今天第二個板塊“英語秀”。 b: 同學們,人體各部分的英語名稱很多,如果你記不住,也沒關係,多做練習一定能記


ab: 同學們, 起得早,大家快來做做操。a: legs legsb: 是腿兒 a: feet feetb: 是小腳 a: ears earsb: 是耳朵 a: knees knees b: 是膝蓋 a: eyes eyesb: 是眼睛 a: head headb: 是腦袋 ab: 同學們,我們一起做做操吧。 ab: 腿兒legs踢一踢,膝蓋knees蹲一蹲小腳feet跳一跳,天天鍛鍊身體好, 眼睛eyes大又亮,耳朵ears聽得清,腦袋head更聰明,做個新世紀小主人 ab: 同學們,學會了嗎?和我們再來一遍。

ab: 腿兒legs踢一踢,膝蓋knees蹲一蹲小腳feet跳一跳,天天鍛鍊身體好, 眼睛eyes大又亮,耳朵ears聽得清,腦袋head更聰明,做個新世紀小主人 ab: so much for today, see you tomorrow! 今天的英語廣播到此結束,明天見!


b:my name is yan kaili, i’m from classs1 grade5. 我叫閆凱莉,我來自五年級一班。 a:my name is gao haoyue, i’m from classs1 grade5. 我叫高皓月,我來自五年級一班。 a:now, let’s go to our first part“english station”. b:現在,讓我們進入今

天第一個版塊“英語加油站”。b:同學們,今天的英語加油站,我們學習一個成語“愛屋及烏” a:ok, follow me, 請

跟我學 “love me love my dog”.b:love me love my dog.

a:同學門學會了嗎?我們再讀兩遍。 ab:love me love my dog,love me love my dog. a:now, let’s go to our second part“english show”. b:現在,讓我們進入今天


a:are you ready?


a:chinese chineseb:是語文 a:english english b:是英語b:同學們大家一起學吧。

ab:chinese 語文寫生字 ehglish 英語被單詞 science 科學很神秘 今天英語廣播到此結束,明天見。


broadcast materialtogether: good afternoon, boys and girls. here is today’s english broadcasting


student 1:today is friday, march the tenth. first of all, let’s enjoy a song

by the westlife. it sound very beautil. now let’s enjoy it. ( music)

hello, my name is zhou hongyi. i’m 10 years old. i study in huiyang experimental

primary school.i live with my mom and dad in huizhou. have you ever been to huizhou?

it is a big and beautiful city in the south of guangdong. the people there are very

kind and friendly.

this is my hometown- huizhou.i love my hometown. that’s all. thank you. my name is cheng xinyang. my english name is tina, i am a student of grade four

in huiyang experimental primary school.at school, i love english classes, because

i like english!

i like fruits. especially mangoes. fresh mangoes can be very delicious. i like

to eat kfc. i like fish very much.



S1:Welcome to the Channel-E,

S2:welcome to our English world.

(一起)join In us, enjoy the English, enjoy the life! Let’s go! S1:大家好,歡迎收聽我們的英語廣播站——channel E.每逢週三、週五早上我們將會為大家呈上優秀的英語故事,還會設立問答環節,你可以把答案投到學校廣播站的廣播箱裡

S2:我們會在Shinning Day定期抽取並贈送一份小禮物哦。同時我們還開設點歌頻道,你可以給你的小夥伴或是老師點歌送祝福,channel-E期待你的參加!


(一起)Good morning , teachers and students. Welcome to our happy English time .

S1: I’m ________from class 2, Grade 4.

S2: I’m________ ----from class 2, Grade 4.

S1今天我們給大家帶來有英語小天地English story,每週一句Weekly English和英語歌曲欣賞English songs。

S2:At first, let’s go to the weekly English. Follow us. Let’s go! OK?

S1:Do you know? Our school is a colorful world.

S2: Yes, it’s very beautiful. Green trees, red flowers, and so on.

S1: Now, let’s learn the colors .

S2: OK.

S1: In the red.

S2: we know red是紅色,but in the red 不是“在紅色裡面”的意思。這個短語源於20世紀30年代的美國,會計學上通常用紅墨水記錄債務,用黑色記錄利潤,所以in the red表示欠債,赤字。

S1: Ei, Jacky, , what color do you like?

S2: I like pink. And you?

S1: Me too. Pink is very nice. But do you know ”in the pink” ?

S2: 你知道“in the pink” 是什麼意思嗎?

S1: pink是粉紅色,指臉頰的紅潤,是健康的象徵。所以in the pink 就是指身體很健康。

S2: Suki, You look in the pink. 你看上去很健康。

S1: Thank you.

S2: boys and girls , do you know black and white?

S1: yes, black and white.

S2: Right. There’s a word.

S1: “Call black white and white black.”這就是我們常說的顛倒是非,黑白不分。

S2:所以我們一定不能“Call black white and white black.”

S1:next ,let’s come to a story.

S2:The question is ____________.

S1: So much for today. At last, let’s enjoy an English song.

S2: 最後讓我們一起來欣賞英語歌吧。you like it, yes?

Thank you for listening! Good Bye. See you next time.(一起)




A: Dear teachers and students, good afternoon.

B: 敬愛的老師,親愛的同學們,大家下午好。

A: Welcome to English Bar again.

B: 歡迎再次來到“英語吧”。

A: Hello,boys and girls,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自於…年…班的…

B:Hi,every one,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自於…年…班的… A:Good afternoon,B

B:Good afternoon,A

A:How are you?

B:Fine, thanks. How are you?

A: I’m fine. Thank you.

B: 同學們,我們已經學過了許多有關動作的單詞,不知道大家是否還印象深刻呢,現在讓我們一起復習一下吧!

Walk 走 swim 游泳 jump 跳 dance 跳舞 sing 唱歌 catch 抓,接住 run 跑 skip 跳繩 skate 滑冰 skiing 滑雪 (一人讀英文單詞,一人讀出中文譯意)

A: 複習了那麼多動作的單詞,我都想起來跑跑跳跳了呢。

B: 說到運動sports ,你都知道哪些體育專案的表達呢?今天的English Bar 欄目,你就給同學們紹一些體育專案的表達吧?

A: A piece of cake. 小意思. Let me tell you. 讓我來告訴大家

Race, race 賽跑; diving,diving 跳水;volleyball, volleyball 排球;basketball, basketball 籃球;soccer, soccer 足球;table tennis, table tennis 乒乓球;long jump, long jump 跳遠;cycling, cycling 腳踏車;boxing, boxing 拳擊;shooting, shooting 射擊;weightlifting, weightlifting 舉重。

B: You are so great! 你真棒!大家都聽到了嗎?請同學們再跟我說一遍。Read after me, please. Race, race 賽跑; diving,diving 跳水;volleyball, volleyball 排球;basketball, basketball 籃球;soccer, soccer 足球;table tennis, table tennis 乒乓球;long jump, long jump 跳遠;cycling, cycling 腳踏車;boxing, boxing 拳擊;shooting, shooting 射擊;weightlifting, weightlifting 舉重。

A: B, 這麼多體育專案,你最喜歡哪一個呢? What’s your favorite sport?

B: en… My favorite sport is table tennis. 我最喜歡的體育運動是乒乓球。你呢?How about you ?

A: My favorite sport is long jump. 我最喜歡的體育運動是跳遠。To be honest, I am good at long jump. 說實話,我很擅長跳遠呢。

B: Really? I like long jump, too. 真的嗎?我也喜歡跳遠。有時間我們來比一比吧!

A: Ok. 好啊!同學們,你們最喜歡的運動是什麼呢?What’s your favorite sport? Think about it.


B: How time flies! 時間過得真快啊!

A: It’s time to say good-bye. 今天的English Bar 又要和大家說再見了!

B: Thank you for listening! 謝謝收聽! A: See you next time! 下期見!

本期節目主持人: 特邀播音員:


A: Dear teachers and students, good afternoon.

B: 敬愛的老師,親愛的同學們,大家下午好。

A: Welcome to English Bar again.

B: 歡迎再次來到“英語吧”。

A: Hello,boys and girls,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自於…年…班的…

B:Hi,every one,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自於…年…班的… A:Good afternoon,B

B:Good afternoon,A

A:How are you?

B:Fine, thanks. How are you?

A: I’m fine. Thank you. 下面,讓我們進入今天的第一個板塊“Say you, say me” 說你說我。B: Hi, ------ , what do you want to do this weekend?

A: We want to have a barbecue. Will you go with us?

B: Sure!

Barbecue 如今是個時髦的詞,約上朋友去戶外燒烤野餐,既嚐到了美味,又是個放鬆,聊天的好機會。那麼這個聽起來,吃起來都不錯的barbecue背後有個怎樣的故事呢?barbecue 來源於海地語,最初是指由樹樁製成的木製平臺,是人們當床用的。而barbecue 最早出現在英語之中有“床”和“燒烤架”兩種意思,到了18世紀才發展成今天的“烤肉”之意。大家是不是越聽越有食慾了呢?好了,選擇一個風和日麗的週末和你的mom and dad 一起去barbecue 吧!不要忘了叫上我喲!


現在大家即將聽到的是“Big big world ”, 大世界。這一期我要教大家一個俚語,讓我們一起聽聽下面這個小對話吧!

A: Tom, you look very angry.

B: Yes, they think I am a black sheep, but I am a good boy!

Sheep 綿羊是性情溫順的動物,通常用來比喻善良,純潔的人。一群綿羊中有時會夾雜一隻長黑毛的`綿羊,因為黑綿羊不如白綿羊值錢,所以black sheep 就比喻為無用之輩,大家明白了嗎?black sheep 指人時是“無用之輩”的意思哦,大家一定要記住,千萬不要鬧出笑話了。


接下來是今天的最後一個板塊了,和大家一起享受英語真是一件美妙的事情,尤其是聽聽這首charming music, 今天要推薦給大家的魅力音樂是“ Do Re Mi” 這首歌,希望大家喜歡,會唱的同學一起唱吧!

( Do Re Mi)

同學們,又到了我們有獎競猜的時間了,今天我要分別給低年級和高年級的同學提個問題。首先,請一到三年級的同學們聽好了,你們的問題是“You are a black sheep” 是什麼意思呢?

A. 你是隻黑色的綿羊 B. 你真沒用。然後是四到五年級的同學們了,你們的題目是“請寫出 black sheep 這句俚語的英文”, 請將答案交到你們的英語老師那吧。


B: How time flies! 時間過得真快啊!

A: It’s time to say good-bye. 今天的English Bar 又要和大家說再見了!

B: Thank you for listening! 謝謝收聽!

A: See you next time! 下期見!

本期節目主持人: 特邀播音員:


A: Dear teachers and students, good afternoon.

B: 敬愛的老師,親愛的同學們,大家下午好。

A: Welcome to English Bar again.

B: 歡迎再次來到“英語吧”。

A: Hello,boys and girls,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自於…年…班的…

B:Hi,every one,I’m…,I come from Class…,Grade…大家好,我是來自於…年…班的…

A:Good afternoon,B

B:Good afternoon,A

A:How are you?

B:Just so so . Thanks.

A: You look so sad, what happened?(你看起來很傷心嗎?怎麼了?發生什麼了?)

B: I’ll never talk with Jack, he is a stupid guy.(我再也不會和傑克玩了,他是一個愚蠢的傢伙。) A: Why?(為什麼這麼說?)

B: Just now he called me “a lucky dog”, I am not a dog, he is really a dog, a stupid dog.(剛才他說我是一條幸運的狗,我才不是狗,他才是狗,一條愚蠢的狗。)

A: Oh, my god, you misunderstand him.(噢,你誤會了他。)

B: Oh, really? (真的嗎?)

A: 還是讓我來告訴你為什麼吧?

英美人非常看重狗,認為dog是“忠誠、可靠”的象徵。經常能聽到他們讚美dog是man’s best friend.他們還常用它來比喻人,如a clever dog(聰明的孩子),a lucky dog(幸運兒)等。甚至,我們大家都非常熟悉的洋快餐—hot dog,也離不開狗。還有不少帶dog的諺語還體現了對狗的愛護。如love me, love my dog, dog does not eat dog.


B: Oh, I see. Many thanks

A: Never mind.英語中還有許多俚語呢!比如Face the music乍一聽,Face是臉,Music是音樂的意思。面對音樂,似乎是一件美妙的事情。如果你這麼理解就大錯特錯了,在英語中Face the music和享受音樂的那種美妙感覺相差十萬八千里,它表達是恰恰是和享受音樂相反的一種感覺—不得不接受承,承擔後果。在舞臺上,演員經常會由於緊張或怯場而造成忘詞等尷尬的局面。只要音樂一響,演員就沒有任何選擇的餘地,只能去Face the music(必須承受出現的局面)。所以對於演員來說,音樂響起時,只能“硬著頭皮”上了!所以也就是“不得不承受,不得不面對。”

B: Your words remind me of another one English idiom. 你的話讓我想起另外一個英語俚語) However, I want to tell you a story firstly. One day, my good friend Peter came over to my home, and we played very happily. Suddenly, I broke my mother’s vase. Then Peter told me: “××, you’ll in hot water! (有一天我的好朋友Peter來我家玩,我們玩得非常開心,突然,我把我**的花瓶打碎了,然後Peter就對我說:××, you’ll in hot water!”)“In hot water就是你闖禍了,你將會有麻煩了!如果你的好朋友或者同學犯了一個錯誤你可以對他說:“Oh, you’ll in hot water!”

A: Yes, I got it.(嗯,我明白了)。Today, we have learned two useful phrases. One is face the music, the other is in the hot water. Can you keep them in mind? (同學們,今天我們學了兩個有用的片語,一個是 Face the music, 另外一個是in hot water,你們能記住嗎?)

B: How time flies! 時間過得真快啊!

A: It’s time to say good-bye. 今天的English Bar 又要和大家說再見了! B: Thank you for listening! 謝謝收聽! A: See you next time! 下期見!

本期節目主持人:xxx 特邀播音員:xxx