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一、單詞記憶: 給下列單詞寫出漢語意思(共15顆 )。

1.meet( ) 2.mother( ) 3.brother( )4.really( )

5.thirteen( )6.look at( ) 7.watermelon( )

8. some( ) 9.orange( ) 10.bike( )

二、尋找朋友:根據問句找出合適的答語並將其序號填在前面的括號內(共15顆 )。

( )1. Where are you from? A. Thank you!

( ) 2. Who’s that girl? B. I am thirteen.

( )3. How many kites can you see? C.No,you can’t.

( ) 4. What’s in the desk? D.The same to you!

( ) 5. Do you like grapes? E. I’m from China.

( ) 6. What about the man? F. A gift.

( ) 7. Can I have some eggs? G. He’s my teacher.

( ) 8. How old are you? H. Yes,I do.

( ) 9. This is for you! I. Only one.

( )10. Happy May Day! J. She’s my friend.

三、火眼金睛:讀一讀,選一選(共8顆 )。

Chen Jie: Good afternoon,John. John:

Chen Jie: Look at my new kite. John:

Chen Jie: Let’s fly it! John:

Chen Jie: How many kites can you see? John:

Chen Jie: That’s right. A. Great!

B.Good afternoon. C.I can see fourteen. D.Oh, how beautiful!

、四、情景對話:讀一讀,排排序並選擇(共12顆 )。

( )And this is my mother.

( )I’m Toto. I’m 2. I have red eyes and a short tail. I’m from Canada.

( )I love my family.

( )This is my father.

( )Good morning,boys and girls.

( )Look! This is my family photo.

Questions(每小題兩顆 )。

( ) 1.Where is Toto from? A.Canada. B.America.

( )2.How old is Toto? A.Two. B.Ten.

( )3.Guess! What animal is Toto? A.Monkey B.Rabbit.


一、單詞記憶: 給下列單詞寫出漢語意思(共15顆 )。

1.nice( )2.father( )3.sister( )4.great( )

5.fourteen ( )6.how many( )7.strawberry( )

8.some ( ) 9.taxi( ) 10.walkman( )

二、尋找朋友:根據問句找出合適的答語並將其序號填在前面的括號內(共15顆 )。

( )1. Where are you from? A. The same to you!

( ) 2. Who’s that man? B. She’s my sister.

( )3. How many buses can you see?C. Thank you!

( ) 4. What’s in the box? D. I’m from China.

( ) 5. Do you like juice? E. No, I don’t.

( ) 6. What about the girl? F. He’s my friend.

( ) 7. Can I have an fruits? G.. Sixteen.

( ) 8. How are you? H. A gift for you.

( ) 9. This is for you! I. Fine, thanks.

( )10. Happy Children’s Day! J. Yes,you can.

三、火眼金睛:讀一讀,選一選”(共8顆 )。

Sarah:Good morning,John. John: This is my friend, Mike.

Sarah: Mike:Nice to meet you, too.

Sarah:Where are you from? Mike:

Sarah: Mike:I’m nine.

Sarah:Goodbye,Mike and John. Mike and John:Goodbye,Sarah.

A.Nice to meet you. B.How old are you?

C.Good morning,Sarah. D.I’m from Canada.

四、情景對話:讀一讀,選一選,判斷正誤“T””F”(共12顆 )。

Mike:Excuse me, Sarah.

Sarah: . Where is my pink crayon? Mom, can you see it?

Mom:No,in your bag? Sarah: No.

Mom: Sarah:Yeah, thanks, Mom. Mike, here you are.


A. No problem. B.Look, it’s here, on the chair. C.Can I use your pink crayon?


1.Mike wants to use a yellow crayon.( )

2.The crayon is in the bag.( )

3.The crayon is on the chair.( )