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  At noon today, our group of four played "ghost story telling" in the corridor.


  Let's do the action. Zhang Yiying said it horribly. We were afraid. Don't know how, Zhang Yiying pushed Ren Penghui, Ren Penghui fell heavily to the ground, hit his head against the wall, and made a "Dong" sound. Ren Penghui couldn't help crying. He grabbed the clothes behind him. Because the floor of the corridor was wet, his clothes were wet. Zhang Yiying stood motionless, his face red like a cooked crab. Ren Luyang and I went to see Mr. Wang in a hurry. Mr. Wang understood the process of the incident and said to Ren Penghui kindly, "are you not hurt?" After that, he turned to Zhang Yiying and said, "be careful later. Say" I'm sorry! " Zhang Yiying apologized to Ren Penghui.


  Later, they made up.