查文庫>課件> 英語必修五unit1課件




  一. Analysis of the teaching materials教學內容分析

  課題:Book5 Unit1----John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”(Reading)

  本課是一篇閱讀課文,出自人民教育出版的高中英語學生用書必修五。在第一節課Warming up裡面初步接觸和了解了不同領域的科學家們對人類的貢獻及其成果;並且在Pre-reading裡透過若干問題的討論,學生初步瞭解得出科學觀點所需的過程。在此基礎上,本節課介紹英國著名醫生John Snow如何透過考察、分析、探究的科學方法,發現並控制霍亂這種傳染病。透過閱讀課文,使學生感悟科學家的周密觀察、勇於探索、認真分析的科學精神,以及瞭解科學發現的全過程具有科學的嚴密性,培養學生的邏輯分析能力。還透過各種課堂活動的開展,進一步培養學生準確獲取資訊、歸納文章大意以及運用文章內容,準確使用目標語表達的能力。

  二. Analysis of the students學情分析


  三. Learning Method學法指導


  四. Teaching Aims 教學目標

  Ability Aim

  1) To train the students’ ability in skimming & detailed reading.

  2) To train the students’ ability of summarizing a passage.

  Knowledge Aim

  To lead the students to get some information on the steps of a scientific research through reading.

  3. Emotional Aim

  1).Get the students to adapt the scientific spirit in their pursuit of knowledge.

  2). Develop the students’ ability of group cooperation and pair work.

  五.Teaching important and difficult points 教學重難點

  1). Understand the spirit of science and scientists.

  2). Understand the details of each stage in examining a new scientific idea.

  3). Make up a dialogue according to a certain situation and the content of this passage.

  六.Teaching method 教學方法

  1) Communicative Approach交際教學法;

  2) Task-based Approach任務型語言教學法;

  3) Cooperative Learning Approach合作學習教學法.

  七. Teaching Aids 教具準備

  Multi-media and the blackboard

  八.Teaching Procedures 教學過程

  Step I Revision (2 minutes)

  1)Present the students a guessing game for them to review the great scientists and their contribution.

  2) Review the ways of doing a scientific research.

  Step II Reading (25minutes)

  Let the students read through the whole passage and finish the required task and help them to have a better understanding of the article by providing some background information and analysis.

  Task1 Skimming

  Ask the students to look at the title and find out “Who, what”. Then read quickly to find out “when, where”.

  Task 2 Detailed reading

  The students are required to find out the detailed information according to the steps of a scientific research.

  1) What is the problem? ------The cholera was the most deadly disease of its day. Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood.

  2) Make up a question: Which theory to believe in?

  Idea 1: Cholera multiplied in the air without reason. A cloud of dangerous gas would float around until it found its victims.

  Idea 2: People absorbed it with their meals.

  3) What method did he use? ----- A map of the Broad Street

  Teacher should help the students to analyse the map, For the map is the most valuable clue about the cause of the disease.

  4) Analyse the results ---- What happened to the pump water?

  5) Collect results ---- The water was from the river which had been polluted by the dirty water from London.

  6) Find supporting evidence: What extra evidence did he find?

  Key: Two other deaths. A woman and her daughter who lived far away but drank the water also


  7) Draw a conclusion with certainty ----- The polluted water carried the disease.

  Task 3 Comprehending

  Ask the students to number the events in the order that they happened to help them recall the

  content of the passage.

  Step III Summary (7 minutes)

  1) Analyse the style of the passage.---- Narration

  2) Summarize the content of the passage using about 30 words.

  Ask some students to present their answers and give them advice to correct it. Then give a sample answer.

  Step IV Reading and Speaking (10 minutes)

  Part A 模仿朗讀

  請聽課文錄音(Paragragh 1),並跟讀課文,注意語音、語調和停頓。

  Part B 角色扮演

  角色:Anne and Jenny

  情景:Anne向Jenny瞭解John Snow的故事


  你知道有關John Snow 的故事嗎?

  2. 在那個年代,霍亂很可怕嗎?

  3. 他認為霍亂的起因是什麼?

  4. 他怎樣證明(prove)自己的觀點?

  5. 他得出什麼結論?

  Sample dialogue:

  1. Q: Do you know anything about John Snow?

  A: Yes, John Snow was a famous doctor in London. He defeated “ King Cholera”.

  2. Q: Was cholera very terrible in his day?

  A: Yes, it was the most deadly disease at that time.

  3. Q: What did he think was the cause of cholera?

  A: He thought that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.

  4. Q: How did he prove his theory?

  A: He marked on a map the exact place where all the dead people had lived, which gave him a valuable clue about the cause of the disease.

  5. Q: What conclusion did he draw?

  A: He drew a conclusion that polluted water carried the virus.

  Step V Homework (1minutes)

  1 Read the passage fluently.

  2. Act out the Role Play with your partner after class.

  九. The design of the blackboard 板書設計

  Unit 1 Great Scientists

  ---- John snow defeats “ King Cholera ”

  1. Who Summary

  2. What ――→ Narration

  3. When

  4. Where


  Speaking ---- Part B

  Q1 Do you … ?

  Q2 Was cholera… ?

  Q3 What did he think was… ?

  Q4 How did he… ?

  Q5 What… ?