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  在平凡的學習、工作、生活中,大家對作文都再熟悉不過了吧,藉助作文人們可以實現文化交流的目的'。如何寫一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是小編為大家整理的高中英語作文:WEALTH AND HAPPINESS_英語作文範文,僅供參考,歡迎大家閱讀。

  There is no same opinion among people as to the view of wealth. Some people may think that wealth is the most important and powerful thing in life, while some other people believe that there are many things that cannot be bought with wealth.

  As far as i am concerned, i agree with the latter opinion. there’s an old proverb, “money can cure hunger, but it can’t cure happiness” which simply means wealth can buy us some material things but cannot make us happy and free from sadness or worries. In fact, happiness, true love, friendship, time, health and so on are the most valuable things in the world and can never ever be bought with money. Those who just try their best to make money can’t realize the true meaning of life and will be the slaves for money. They can’t enjoy happiness, for they have lost everything, time, relatives, love ecept money. then, what can money do? No one will share the happy moment with them.

  So, i think, money is not at all powerful while happiness is more important. If we always have happiness, we’ll never give up the belief to life.