查文庫>童話> 格林童話故事第30篇:蝨子和跳蚤The Louse and the Flea

格林童話故事第:蝨子和跳蚤The Louse and the Flea

格林童話故事第30篇:蝨子和跳蚤The Louse and the Flea


  一隻蝨子和一隻跳蚤合住一室。 有一天,它們在雞蛋殼裡釀啤酒,蝨子一不小心掉了進去,被燙傷了。 小跳蚤於是大呼小叫起來。 小房門問它:"小跳蚤,你幹嘛尖叫呀?""蝨子被燙傷了。"

  小房門於是"吱吱嘎嘎"響了起來。 角落裡的掃把聽到了,問:"小房門,你為什麼叫呀?""我難道不該叫嗎?小蝨子燙傷了自己,小跳蚤在傷心地哭泣。"

  小掃把聽了便瘋狂地掃起地來。 一輛小拖車路過時問:"你幹嘛掃地呀,小掃把?""我難道不該掃嗎?小蝨子燙傷了自己,小跳蚤在傷心地哭泣。小房門在一個勁地嘎吱嘎吱。"

  小拖車聽了於是說:"那我就跑起來吧。"說著便瘋了似地狂奔。 經過一堆餘燼時,餘燼問:"你怎麼跑得這麼急呀,小拖車?""我難道不該跑嗎?小蝨子燙傷了自己,小跳蚤在傷心地哭泣,小房門在拼命地嘎吱嘎吱 ,小掃把在一個勁地掃地。 "

  餘燼於是說:"那就讓我熊熊燃燒起來吧。"說著就燃起了火焰。 它旁邊的一棵小樹問它:"你怎麼又燒起來了?""我難道不應該燃燒嗎?小蝨子燙傷了自己,小跳蚤在傷心地哭泣,小房門在拼命地嘎吱嘎吱,小掃把在一個勁地掃地,小拖車也在奔跑不息。"

  小樹於是說:"我看我該搖晃自己才是。"說著就不停地搖晃起來,把樹葉抖落得滿地都是。 一個拎著水罐的小姑娘走了過來,看到小樹便問:"小樹呀,你幹嘛這麼甩自己呀?""我難道不應該甩嗎?小蝨子燙傷了自己,小跳蚤在傷心地哭泣,小房門在拼命地嘎吱嘎吱,小掃把在一個勁地掃地,小拖車在奔跑不息,連餘燼也重新燃起了自己。"

  小姑娘一聽,說:"那我也該摔碎這水罐。"說著就將水罐摔了個粉碎。 冒水的泉眼問:"姑娘,你為啥摔破水罐呢?""我難道不應該摔嗎?小蝨子燙傷了自己,小跳蚤在傷心地哭泣,小房門在拼命地嘎吱嘎吱 ,小掃把在一個勁地掃地,小拖車也奔跑不息,小樹也在不住地搖曳。 "

  "哦,哦!"泉眼說,"那我就該使勁流才是。"於是開始一個勁地流淌。 於是一切都被水淹沒了:小姑娘,小樹,餘燼,小拖車,掃把,小房門,小跳蚤和小蝨子,全淹沒了。



  The Louse and the Flea

  A louse and a flea kept house together and were brewing beer in an egg-shell. Then the little louse fell in and burnt herself. On this the little flea began to scream loudly. Then said the little room-door: "Little flea, why art thou screaming?" – "Because the louse has burnt herself."

  Then the little door began to creak. On this a little broom in the corner said: "Why art thou creaking, little door?" – "Have I not reason to creak?

  The little louse has burnt herself,

  The little flea is weeping."

  So the little broom began to sweep frantically. Then a little cart passed by and said: "Why art thou sweeping, little broom?" – "Have I not reason to sweep?

  The little louse has burnt herself,

  The little flea is weeping,

  The little door is creaking."

  So the little cart said: "Then I will run," and began to run wildly. Then said the ash-heap by which it ran: "Why art thou running so, little cart?" – "Have I not reason to run?

  The little louse has burnt herself,

  The little flea is weeping,

  The little door is creaking,

  The little broom is sweeping."

  The ash-heap said: "Then I will burn furiously," and began to burn in clear flames. A little tree stood near the ash-heap and said: "Ash-heap, why art thou burning?" – "Have I not reason to burn?

  The little louse has burnt herself,

  The little flea is weeping,

  The little door is creaking,

  The little broom is sweeping,

  The little cart is running."

  The little tree said: "Then I will shake myself," and began to shake herself so that all her leaves fell off; a girl who came up with her water-pitcher saw that, and said: "Little tree, why art thou shaking thyself?" – "Have I not reason to shake myself?

  The little louse has burnt herself,

  The little flea is weeping,

  The little door is creaking,

  The little broom is sweeping,

  The little cart is running,

  The little ash-heap is burning."

  On this the girl said: "Then I will break my little water-pitcher," and she broke her little water-pitcher. Then said the little spring from which ran the water: "Girl, why art thou breaking thy water-jug?" – "Have I not reason to break my water-jug?

  The little louse has burnt herself,

  The little flea is weeping,

  The little door is creaking,

  The little broom is sweeping,

  The little cart is running,

  The little ash-heap is burning,

  The little tree is shaking itself."

  "Oh, ho," said the spring, "then I will begin to flow," and began to flow violently. And in the water everything was drowned, the girl, the little tree, the little ash-heap, the little cart, the broom, the little door, the little flea, the little louse, all together.