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When April Fool's Day, people often organize family gatherings, with daffodils and daisies decorated the room new. A typical arrangement of the traditional approach is false environment, you can put the same room decorated like Christmas can also be arranged like a New Year like to be guests, then congratulate them "Merry Christmas" or "Happy New Year", so people feel unique and interesting.


Fish feast April 1. Also spectacular. The invitation to participate in the fish feast, usually made of cardboard colored fish. Table with a green and white decor together. Middle and small size of the tank put fishing rods, tie a green ribbon on each rod, hanging gift given to guests or an elaborate celluloid fish, or one filled with candy fish basket. It goes without saying that all of the fish feast dishes are made with fish.

四月一日的魚宴。也是別開生面的。參加魚宴的請帖,通常是用紙板做成的彩色小 魚。餐桌用綠、白兩色裝飾起來.中間放上魚缸和小巧玲瓏的釣魚竿,每個釣竿上系一條綠色飄帶,掛著送給客人的禮物或是一個精巧的.賽璐珞魚,或是一個裝滿糖果的魚籃子。不言而喻,魚宴上所有的菜都是用魚做成的。

On April Fool's Day gathering, there is a false customs dish. Someone once described a typical April Fool's Day recipes: First, a "salad" on lettuce leaves sprinkled with green pepper, but after the leaves opened, it was found below the original oyster cocktail; second course is "baked potato" in fact, the following is a sweet bread crumbs and fresh mushrooms; thereafter on a dish with crab meat as well as chicken and buried in disguise tomato salad below raspberry ice cream. After dinner, guests can also feeding candy from a pill box.


But the most typical activities Fool's Day joke with each other, or we used to tease each other lies. Some people throw thin tied wallet on the street, pulling the other end of the line himself in the dark. If someone picked up the wallet, they surprise suddenly pulled away the wallet. Some people put a brick on the broken hat resting on the street below them, and then waited to see who would kick it up. Children would tell parents that their bags Poliaogedong, or black spots on his face. Etc. When adults leaned view, they shouting "April Fool." To run away laughing. In short, every April Fool's day, zoos and aquariums will receive a lot of calls Fish (fish) Mr. Tai Song (Tiger) Mr telephone, often prompting staff cut off telephone lines in order to reduce trouble.
