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Settlement 和解

1.Conciliation is a procedure in which a public organ stands between the parties in order to try to solve a civil dispute by their mutual consent.調解是公務機關介入當事人之間,設法根據當事人的.協議解決民事糾紛的一種程式。

2.Even significant controversies may be settled through mediation.即使是重大的爭議都有可能透過調解解決。

3.If a claim is settled on behalf of a child or a patient, the agreement is not binding until it is approved by the court.以未成年人或病人名義進行的和解,只有在得到法院批准後,協議才有拘束力。

4.Litigants of the two parties may reconcile of their own accord.雙方當事人可以自行和解。

5.Out-of-court settlement is specially appropriate as applied to disputes that are resolved instituting litigation.庭外調解專門適用於沒有起訴的爭端之解決。

6.The bill of mediation becomes legally effective after it has been delivered to the litigants and signed by them.調解書交雙方當事人簽收後,即具有法律效力。

7.The parties reached a settlement the day before trial.在開庭前一天,雙方當事人達成和解協議。

8.The money paid in such a settlement is often termed nuisance money.在此種調解中支付的費用經常被稱為擺脫訴訟滋擾費。

9.They are hoping to reach an out-of-court settlement.他們希望庭外和解。

10.To end the lawsuit, they reached an agreement resolving differences by mutual concessions.為終結訴訟,他們各自讓步,協商一致,達成協議。